Useful Links
As a teacher, communicator and practitioner of math, physics and computer science I have found the following websites to be most helpful. Hover over each item to see a brief description.
General information
Wikipedia The encyclopedia I turn to first to learn about anything; to get dates, names, spelling, etc.
PhysOrg A news magazine for physics and other sciences.
Mathematics for students
Paul’s Online Notes I love Paul’s Notes because they cover all the cases of a topic with lots of examples.
Khan Academy Learn math by watching Salman Khan’s excellent videos.
PurpleMath Learn math by reading Elizabeth Stapel’s excellent explanations.
Mathematics for teachers
How math is used in technology Created by the faculty at my school, the BC Institute of Technology.
National Council of Math Teachers A national group that advocates for math education.
History of math and biographies of mathematicians Created by John O'Connor and Edmund Robertson of the University of St. Andrews.
Frequently asked questions about math Alex Lopez-Ortiz describes his creation as non-trivial mathematical trivia.
Physics and engineering for students
PhET physics simulations Absolutely outstanding! You can do science experiments on the computer screen.
Khan Academy physics lessons More videos by Salman Khan – these ones on physics.
StuDocu course resources Share course documents with your fellow students.
All About Circuits - Electrical engineering Covers DC, AC, semiconductors and digital.
The web, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, forms, PHP
W3Schools A very useful website. You see sample HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript code that you can modify and try out yourself.
Loadview Great explanation of the steps involved in creating a website.
HTML cheat sheet A summary of HTML tags, etc. Also available are cheat sheets on PHP, JavaScript and CSS.
- How to create a website
Chrome DevTools Tools for web authoring and debugging built right into Google Chrome.
- Search engine optimization
Stack Overflow A question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers.
Visual Basic Developers Resource Centre Get sample VB code and help from other programmers.
Inno Setup Create setup programs that install apps.
HTMLHelp documents
HTML Help Workshop download This tool from Microsoft is used to author .chm helpfiles
HTML Workshop tutorials Learn how the Algebra Coach jumps to specific topics in the e-book.
Other software
Maple One of the original symbolic math programs, developed at U. of Waterloo.
Mathematica Another one, begun by Stephen Wolfram, to do particle physics calculations.
MathType I use this app to typeset equations in my books.