Useful Links

As a teacher, communicator and practitioner of math, physics and computer science I have found the following websites to be most helpful. Hover over each item to see a brief description.

General information

  • Wikipedia The encyclopedia I turn to first to learn about anything; to get dates, names, spelling, etc.
  • PhysOrg A news magazine for physics and other sciences.

Mathematics for students

  • Paul’s Online Notes I love Paul’s Notes because they cover all the cases of a topic with lots of examples.
  • Khan Academy Learn math by watching Salman Khan’s excellent videos.
  • PurpleMath Learn math by reading Elizabeth Stapel’s excellent explanations.

Mathematics for teachers

Physics and engineering for students

The web, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, forms, PHP


HTMLHelp documents

Other software

  • Maple One of the original symbolic math programs, developed at U. of Waterloo.
  • Mathematica Another one, begun by Stephen Wolfram, to do particle physics calculations.
  • MathType I use this app to typeset equations in my books.