What is the Algebra Coach?
The Algebra Coach is an app that can help you learn algebra. It explains algebra step-by-step exactly the way the teacher does. It is powerful but still easy to understand and use.
Download the Algebra Coach and try it free for three weeks. If you like it then you can buy it for $24.95 – a fraction of the price of an algebra textbook. And it comes with an electronic textbook! You can't get better value.
The picture below shows how the Algebra Coach works. Suppose that you are asked to
The teacher says it can be done in three steps but you don’t know how or why. So ...
- You type the equation into the Listbox.
- You click ‘OK’.
- The Algebra Coach displays a set of buttons that operate on equations.
- You click the ‘AutoSolve’ button repeatedly.
- With each click the Algebra Coach explains a step.
- After the third step the equation is solved.

After any step you can press F1 on the keyboard and the Algebra Help e-book opens up right to the paragraph that describes that step in detail. No more asking the teacher “how did you do that step?” Here is the e-book if you press F1 after step 1 – transposing.

The Algebra Help e-book also contains exercise problems that you can drag-and-drop into the Algebra Coach.

The Algebra Coach can also teach you how to manipulate an expression – simplify, factor, expand, complete the square, and so on. Click here to see an example of completing the square.
The Algebra Coach can also teach you how to prove a trigonometric identity. Click here to see details on that.
The Algebra Coach can solve every type of equation that you will encounter in high school or college algebra. Here is a (particularly nasty looking) rational equation. This equation requires about 20 steps to arrive at the solution and in step-by-step mode you would see all 20 of them. In result-only mode you see the result only. In exact mode the solution is shown as fractions. In floating point mode it would be shown as decimal numbers.

What you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. The Algebra Coach can do much, much more. Let's get started!
Download and Installation Instructions for the Algebra Coach
- If you have an older version of the Algebra Coach (3.0 or lower) then uninstall it first.
- Click the blue Download button to download the setup file.
- Find the setup file in your downloads folder and double-click on it to install the Algebra Coach.
- Here is what gets installed:
- The Algebra Coach app.
- The Algebra e-book.
- A Help File showing how to use every feature of the Algebra Coach app; for example how to enter fractions, exponents and functions and how to set the options. The help file has a quick start section – a good place to get started!
- Two sample files; one of which shows off the Algebra Coach's newest feature:
the ability to prove trigonometric identities.
- The Algebra Coach will run for a 21 day trial period without the product key.
After that you must buy the product key for the app to continue to run.
- If you have any problems installing or using the Algebra Coach please
email me. I will be happy to help.
Buy The Algebra Coach
- You’ve used the Algebra Coach in trial mode, you like it, and you want to buy the product key
in order to keep using it.
Start the Algebra Coach one more time and write down the serial number that is displayed in the dialog box.
This serial number is different on every computer.
- Type the serial number into the text box below. Then click the yellow ‘Buy Now’ button.
This takes you to the PayPal website. PayPal is a trusted, secure system that is used by many online merchants
to process payments. The cost of the Algebra Coach is $24.95 USD.
- When I recieve your order I will send you the product key for your computer by email (within 24 hours).
Start the Algebra Coach again, enter the product key, and you are ready to go.
Some more details
- If you have more than one computer at home, or if you have one computer at home and one at the office
— no problem. Just include the product serial number for each computer in your order.
- When you get a new computer just send me an email saying so,
including the new product serial number, and I will be happy to send the product key
for your new computer.
- You are entitled to free upgrades of the Algebra Coach.
- If you are a school then contact me.
You can buy a school license that permits the Algebra Coach to be installed on all the computers at your school
as well as those in the homes of the faculty and students at your school.